Chrysalis Foster Carer Visits Number 10 Down Street
As part of a Foster Care Fortnight #FCF2023 Event held at 10 Downing Street Cara and the other members of Corambaaf Foster Carers Advisory committee were invited to speak to the Department for Education about what foster carers need to support children and young people in the care system.

Children and Young People’s Newsletter Extract:
hello, I am Cara Leigh Jones a foster parent for Chrysalis Consortium. I love fostering the children in my care, and also enjoy taking time out to fight for the rights of children in care and for other foster carers. I am part of a team of advisors for Corambaaf, Co chair of Corambaaf Foster Carers Advisory committee. We have been speaking with the DFE (Department For Education) about changes that the government can make to help children in foster care. They said that we were doing such a good job that they invited us to Downing street in London! I was able to speak to a group of very important people about what we need to better support children in care and the Foster Carers who support them.
This was an amazing day and I hope one day to return to speak out some more about how the government could support all of us better. In England they say “see it, say it, sorted”. If you have ideas about how your time in foster care could be better, if you see a problem, please say it, and we will do our best to make it work better for you.

#fcf2023 #fostercarefortnight2023 #fostercarefortnight #fostercare #fostering #CoramBaaf
To find out more about fostering with Chrysalis visit:
To find out more about The Fostering Network and FCF2023 Visit: