Making the move to Chrysalis Consortium Fostering is easy
In the first instance, contact the fostering recruitment team for an informal discussion on 0114 250 9455.
If you then want to find out more, you can download the Transfer carer pack and can arrange to visit you at home.
If you are invited to apply and you decide to make an application, you will need to inform your agency of your intentions in writing. We will then request permission from you to speak to your agency, to enable us to view/request your Fostering Report and records.
We will allocate you a supervising social worker to support and guide you through the process speedily and efficiently.

As a therapeutic fostering agency—there are a few additional tasks you will need to complete during the assessment;
MIM: (Marschak Interaction Method): The MIM is a structured observation technique designed to assess the quality and nature of carer interactions in relation to; Structure, Engagement , Nurture & Challenge.
Don't just take our word for it!
Find out more about fostering with Chrysalis.