Your marital status, age, sexuality and, home owner status do not determine your suitability as a foster carer.
We truly believe the most important criteria for becoming a therapeutic foster carer with Chrysalis is to be open minded, compassionate, have a sense of humour, have resilience and the ability to provide a safe and loving home.
To begin your fostering application with Chrysalis you must meet the following criteria:
Meet the Minimum Age
UK Resident
Be Passionate!

What Types Of Placements?
We provide single or sibling foster placements with families across Yorkshire and Derbyshire. We provide care for children from 0 up to 18 years of age.
Placements may be short or long term and include:
Short term placements where the carer works with the social care team towards a specific goal, such as the child returning to their birth family or onto adoption.
Permanent placements where a child stays with the foster carer(s) until they have grown up.
- Emergency placements where a child comes to you at very short notice.
- Bridging placements where a child is waiting for a more permanent placement (such as adoption) to be found for them.
We will provide planned breaks for our carers, from within our pool of foster carers.

The Process in 4 Easy Steps
Children who live in foster care deserve more than good enough parenting, so we make sure that our recruitment of foster carers is as safe as can be. If you want to foster with Chrysalis you will be supported through a thorough assessment, approval and matching process.
- You contact us to let us know you are interested in fostering with Chrysalis. We talk on the phone and visit you at home. If both sides agree, we invite you to fill in our application form.
- Your worker undertakes a full fostering assessment with you. The assessment is based on evidence, and checks and references are taken up. You will also receive 3 days Skills to Foster Training pre approval.
- You are invited to attend Chrysalis’s independent fostering panel. The panel is a group of independent professionals that will talk to you, considers the report of your fostering assessment and make a recommendation to the Agency Decision Maker as whether to approve you as foster carers.
- Once you are approved we look for a fostered child who is the right match for you, and carefully plan your first placement.
What Our Carers Say…

Becky , Therapeutic Foster Carer

Lesley, Therapeutic Foster Carer

Eni, Therapeutic Foster Carer
Speak to our team
Whether you’re ready to start your journey or just want to chat to an expert, we're here to talk.