Foster Care Fortnight 2024


Siblings in placement enjoying the freedom to play #fosteringmoments

Foster Care Fortnight is The Fostering Network’s annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care transforms lives. Foster Care Fortnight 2024 will take place from Monday 13 May – Sunday 26 May. 

Foster Care Fortnight is the UK’s biggest foster care awareness raising campaign, delivered by leading fostering charity, The Fostering Network. Established in 1997, the campaign showcases the commitment, passion and dedication of foster carers. It also supports fostering services to highlight the need for more foster carers. Thousands of new foster families are needed every year to care for children, with the greatest need being for foster carers for older children, sibling groups, disabled children and unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

Running from Monday 13 May – Sunday 26 May 2024, our theme this year is #FosteringMoments

Celebrating a young person turning 18 after 10 years living with her fostering family #fosteringmoments

During Foster Care Fortnight 2024 we want to celebrate the moments that define fostering journeys, big and small. The moments that built confidence, made young people feel safe and created memories.  

Throughout the fortnight people across the fostering community will share the moments that have mattered to them. For foster carers, this might be the moment they were approved as a foster carer, or the moment a young person in their care hugged them for the first time. All moments matter big and small. There are local events and numerous online events people can attend to learn more about fostering. Make sure to follow along on social media to hear from fostering families, social workers and children and young people.

Sunny afternoons walking in the park #fosteringmoments

For more information about the campaign or the charity please visit:

If you want more information about applying to become a foster carer please visit:

For anyone considering transferring please visit: